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Trust Your Lawyer

Facts and realities seek for a lawyer protection so that they won't be controlled by the wrong hand.

Lawyer build fact with his knowledge based on the clients sight, the evidence and the witness, not by his selfish arrogance.

Lawyer make a legal opinion not war statement.

Lawyer Seek Truth
Lawyer Bring Facts
Lawyer Stands Justice
Lawyer has a Mind to trust
...and Trust Your Lawyer

A lawyer navigate justice, guides it to the true direction in order to keep it save.
A step away from the wrong time, wrong place and wrong man.
Bring it back from where it belong so the hands of rights can reach it.

Even the truth needs a Lawyer which an eye to not go blind.


Obscuris vera involvens

(kebenaran itu ditutupi oleh kegelapan)

Per fas et nefas

(melalui yang benar dan yang salah)

Damihi Facta Do Tibi Ius

(tunjukkan kami faktanya, kami berikan hukum-nya)

Iustitia omnibus

(keadilan untuk semua)
